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The University library is the principal information provider for all students and staff. The library focuses on meeting the learning, teaching and research needs of the university by developing and sustaining an up to date collection of information and resources.
The Library has integrated system called (KOHA) and can be accessed through student workstations (terminals) in the library. The Library also provides printing, bindery and photocopying.
The Mukuba University Library is the heart of the institution as it caters for all the departments in the institution in terms of information provision that promotes knowledge building. The University Library stocks various books for all the School that the University has which are; the school of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, School of Education, School of Applied Science and Technology as well as the School of Open and Distance Learning. Users are provided with both physical books and e-resources that enables ease research work and study.
The Library provides different services to its users that facilitates easy access to information as well as other needs such as binding, internet, research guidance and photocopying. The Library also endeavors to provide latest and useful information to its patrons thus, updates its collection and reinforces its e-resources by adding its own collection from various free download sites.
“To promote information and digital literacy to all students, staff and university community. Through collaboration, research and critical thinking, students will become proficient learners in accessing and using information in the 21st century.”
“We aspire to develop a carder of students able to seek ideas and information, nurture an interest in reading and lifelong learning for a 21st century learner.”
The story of Mukuba University library has been one of continuous renovation, expansions and growth. What is now the academic library of Mukuba University, has gone through many stages of transformation namely; as part of St. Francis Secondary School built in 1958 by the Franciscans, and taken over by Zambia Bishops Conference in 1969 and later by the Ministry of Education as Copperbelt Secondary Teachers College or commonly called (COSETCO) in 1974 to train teachers in science, mathematics and Home economics for the nations secondary schools.
Then, in 2013 the new library was built after COSETCO was declared a public university known as Mukuba University. The library currently holds over 7000 volumes and seats 320 readers at any given time.
- Lending of Books
- Reprographics Services (photocopying and printing)
- E-Library Services
- Information Literacy Training.
General Working Hours:
Mondays – Friday 08:30 – 21:00
Saturdays 08:30 – 13:00
Sundays & Public Holidays Closed
Mukuba Library
Itimpi, off Kitwe – Chingola Road Campus
PO Box: 20382
Tel: +260969284823
Email: registrar@mukuba.edu.zm
Open Access Resources
ACBF Virtual Library on Capacity Development
ACBF Virtual Library on Capacity Development
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Directory of Open Access Resources (OpenDOAR)
World Wide Science
Online Resources
Hagemony and Power
Zambia Information Highway
Biomedical Research Ethics Online Platform